It's possible!

I was dressing my four-week-old baby for church this morning and took a minute to muse over a weird bruise-like spot on his arm.  After Sunday School he was getting hungry and started chewing on his fingers and his arm, and I realized what the spot was: my baby gave himself his first hickey.

We were sitting with some friends during church, and after Spartacus ate and was getting sleepy, I passed him to their seven-year-old daughter (the one who desperately wanted to hold him last week but couldn't because of the baptism...and the one who asked why I still looked like I had a baby in my tummy).  He was quiet for about two minutes, and then a gas bubble caused him to start screaming like she was poking him with needles.  Naturally, this was right in the middle of the sermon; babies always love to scream at the quiet times, like sermons and prayers, never during loud hymns.  I don't know if she'll ask to hold him again anytime soon...


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