
Showing posts from 2017

One Sunday Morning: an Anecdote

Declaration of Independence and Deductive Reasoning

Ben and BuJo Club

"No, it was too boring" - Why we read 17th-century texts

No parents, "the Crucible" is not teaching your child witchcraft

Overheard: Eclipse Edition

End of the Summer in pictures

Summer PD: Student blogging research

The Teacher Answers

Guess How Many Cars We've Totaled: a Pictoral Analysis


Y5 Wrap up: Questioning the Teacher

Guest Blogger: My Last Intercom Devotion

Y5 -5: Freshmen Autobiographies

Y5 -8 days: Planning Ahead

-55 class periods: THE AP TEST and a phone upgrade

False Prophets and the AP Rhetorical Analysis Essay

How a Secular Service Inspired My Faith

Managing Motherhood: ABC Da-Da-Da

Managing Motherhood: Going back to work in a messy house

Social Media Monikers and Vocations

Ashes vs. Dinosaurs: Teaching a Toddler about Lent

Bathroom Reveal!

2 Under 3: A Sibling Update

Because it's Saturday...a Labor Story: Part Two

Next time, come in sooner...a Labor Story: Part One

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