One Sunday Morning: an Anecdote

Today, an anecdote of an average Sunday morning in our home:

4 AM Baby girl wakes up. I bring her to bed to feed her, and drift back to sleep.

5:15 AM Spartacus wakes up and crawls into bed with us. I rouse myself to put baby girl back in her crib, then briefly debate leaving Spartacus where he is since it's close to wake up time. I decide it's easier for Hubster to get ready for church without a boy in the bed, so I pick him up and return him to his bed, where he curls up with his shark, Bruce. Bruce got a badly-needed bath this past week when he got left at Grammy's house. I realize as I lower Spartacus down how big and heavy he is getting...

6:30 AM Hubster gets up and wanders the house in search of two matching clean socks. I feel like we are drowning in clean laundry but it never gets put away and none of his socks are sorted.  I lay in bed deciding if I should help sock-sort, when a little ceramic music box on my dresser randomly starts playing. I find this bizarre and creepy, and have to tell Hubster. I'm not concerned about our 1925 house being haunted, but what a strange thing for this music box to do!
I've had this since I was a baby - Spartacus loves it.

7:00 AM Hubster makes coffee while I start a load of baby girl laundry. She had a blowout yesterday, and I had her basket of clothes at the top of the stairs waiting to be laundered. Annabelle pulled the soiled onesie off the top last night and ate the poopy part - ewww. Hubster leaves for church, stepping adroitly over our front porch gate so he doesn't have to unplug the Christmas lights I strung up yesterday. They weren't much, but I wanted to do SOME outdoor decorations and it was particularly warm yesterday.
Hubster accidentally pushes his panic button when unlocking his car, and it beeps timidly three times. I imagine his Buick politely suggesting to a thief that he not break in, if he would be so kind. 

7:30 AM I pour myself a cup of coffee and turn the PlayStation on to find some Christmas music while I eat breakfast. At the tell-tale woosh sound of the PS4 starting, I hear Spartacus' feet hit the floor upstairs. I turn on Busy Little Engine instead, a half-hour special I found on Amazon Prime he is currently obsessed with.

He usually has "donut cereal" (Froot Loops) for breakfast with grapes, but Hubster threw the rest of the grapes out last night, declaring them too "squishy." I think about peeling a Cutie but settle for slicing some strawberries leftover from our ladies' Advent tea at church yesterday morning. On the weekends we let him eat on the couch and watch cartoons as long as he doesn't have milk in his bowl. When I hand him his breakfast, he says, "Ooh, strawberries!"
Spartacus in his Sunday morning spot
That little exclamation of pleasure made my morning, and I reflected on it in my bullet journal as I enjoyed my coffee. 

Now it is 8:30, and time to get baby girl up and get everyone ready to go to church. It is Gaudete Sunday - the third Sunday in Advent where we light the pink candle in the Advent wreaths. Just one week until the celebration of the Feast of the Nativity!


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