End of the Summer in pictures

Last night, Little Miss 6-month-old slept through the night for the SECOND night in a row. This might bring my total nights of 6+ consecutive hours in the past six months to double digits. We are a whole week into our new school year, number six for me, and I am blessed.  Here's my first day of school picture!
It's dark outside because I forgot until after I got home
3-year-old Spartacus had his first day of preschool this week too!
We nearly forgot this momentous occasion since it was the same teacher and same classroom he's been going to since July, but technically the new school year started this week. We had to buy real school supplies. He's very excited to be a big kid at last!

I didn't make it all the way through my summer bucket list, but we got a few big things down. Sparty is about 95% potty trained (we'll be in pull-ups during the night for a while, I think). Hubster started his yearlong vicarage at a local church and is enjoying it; he does a lot of administrative tasks and preaches about every other Sunday, which he loves (and he's good at it). He bought a new bike and a neighbor leant us a kiddie bike trailer, so we've started taking family bike rides for the first time ever. I did a lot of planning for the new school year and just hung out with my kids, which was lovely.

We signed up Spartacus for a soccer camp through the Parks & Rec dept. It met for 45 minutes twice a week for the month of July. Spartacus really liked the skills stuff (headers are his favorite) but when it actually came down to playing a "game" (granted, the participants are 2-4 years old) he climbed me like a jungle gym shouting, "Save me mommy!" Here's a clip of them practicing goal shots - my kid is the one sprinting toward me at the end in terror:

Spartacus won't be a leader on the field anytime soon. His favorite sport to practice is baseball, and he's been singing "Take me out to the ball game" nearly nonstop for days:

I will work on a back-to-school post soon - this is year six!  But I'm a little sad at the end of a summer hanging out with my family. My kids are just too cool and I miss them!  Here's some more pictures that I love from our summer!

Kayaking with Aunt Tootin at the Lake
Celebrating the 4th of July with Gramma and Boobah
Hubster and his ridealong droid R2D2
Celebrating 6 years of marriage
Sparty and a lady from church, checking out a neighbor's koi pond
Wearing Babiators from Uncle Renner!

Chatting with Grammy
Post-church Starbucks with Great Papa

Sword fights with friends
Birthday party for cousins!
10-year high school reunion

Rehearsal dinner before Aunt Tootin's wedding

Beautiful bridal party selfie!
Pre-wedding selfie with Hubster

She sits up so nicely - and is so tall!

Boobah after church
Spartacus with two cousins!


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