Day 30: First boring day of school

Maternity leave is over. Today we returned to the new normal.  And it went pretty well.

It took nearly an hour last night to get everything ready for today - make lunch, put together Spartacus' clothes and bottles, everything I needed to pump at school, my clothes, start the coffee pot, shower, dry my hair...but we made it!  The morning was a breeze.

Spartacus slept 9:15-5:15 and woke up nice and cheery.  He nursed, I had breakfast and coffee, we even had time to give Spartacus a quick bath so he could start his first day of school nice and clean.  We got to daycare a little after 7; the nice before-care lady took him out of his car seat and snuggled him.  He woke up, looked around at her with a bemused expression, and then went back to sleep.  I drove to school.

I met all my students; we chatted about various things like homework and the plan for the year, then read for the rest of the period.  I think the sub in a fit of frustration told them that when Mrs. H returned, "Everything would be different."  She tried to set me up as super-mean and strict, which confused my students because I'm definitely not those things.  I told them I was consistent; this is what I expect, and this is what will happen if the expectations are not met; easy enough.  They seemed to accept that.  I told my freshmen world history kids I would try to get some toy swords to act out the fall of Rome.  "This is the best class ever!" was the response.  It was nice to get such a vote of confidence.

After school, I chatted with a student and a few English teachers, and then returned to daycare.  Spartacus was getting his afternoon bottle.  The nice teacher said he took two naps - one over two hours - had some good poops and ate well.

So, it was a pretty uneventful day.  Which is successful in my book.


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