New Chapter Update 3: Hubster Coming Home!!

After nearly a month, we finally heard that Hubster's army paperwork got approved and his orders to leave his post got cut today.  With the fourth of July weekend there won't be enough people around post to finish everything this week, but he should wrap everything up the beginning of next week and be in Indiana with his family by July 11.  Obviously this is six weeks later than it ever should have been, and he will officially have missed his first father's day, our anniversary, my birthday, and Spartacus' first birthday, but...birthdays can be moved.  My mother claims we can wait until his "real" birthday - the original due date of July 24 - or better yet, celebrate twice. I've always had jello poke cake for my birthday (our wedding sheet cake was also jello poke cake) and I can't wait to introduce it to baby Spartacus.

We are so thankful to finally get our daddy, husband, and head of household back. I also got my keys to my classrooms today, so I can start moving my books and things in this month.  It's a huge classroom; I moved very few of my posters so I'm not exactly sure what I'll do to make it more homey. Maybe I'll get really crafty and make some curtains...maybe not.

In other news, Spartacus can apparently climb steps. I was visiting with a dear friend from high school today and her steps going to the second floor are carpeted. I was drinking my coffee and looked away; I look back and he's gone.  He was four steps up the stairs. I didn't know he could do that.  Once he discovered he could climb carpeted stairs, he returned to my parents' house where we're staying and promptly climbed to the top of their steps. He is very proud of himself. We are terrified.  Onto baby gate land.


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