Finally Whole Again (Happy Birthday Spartacus)

 Last Friday, Hubster left Texas at 6 AM central time and drove straight through Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana to return to us at 4 AM Eastern time.  After one month and eleven days apart, we are finally a family again. Praise God!

Obviously six weeks apart is nothing in the world of army, but we still missed him a lot!  The week before Hubster returned we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary, I turned 26, and Spartacus turned 1.  We will be re-celebrating all of this again with Daddy home.  It is such a relief.

Spartacus spent an over-stimulated first birthday at a local breakfast diner with my parents, then at the lake with my in-laws.  He got fun push toys that he can practice his walking with.  He had jello poke cake (a birthday tradition in my family).  He watched the fireworks.  It was a very pleasant weekend, and we look forward to repeating most of it with Daddy.

It's been an exhausting several weeks as a semi-single parent so I'll hopefully be writing more soon about settling into my new teaching job, but for now enjoy pictures of my adorable (I think) kid from his first birthday weekend!
Spartacus and his new truck (it's a dog truck and poops boulders!)


Eating jello cake with Auntie Becca
Playing with Grammy at the lake
Opening more presents...

Our neighborhood does a little 4th of July parade for the kids
Spartacus inspecting his "float."
While we were preparing the stroller, Grandma had her own photoshoot.

Spartacus in grandpa's convertible


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