Stickers for Potty

No baby yet, so a Spartacus update. 

Spartacus is now two and a half. He goes to daycare at a local church program full time, and we are extremely blessed by the quality teachers who care for him every day.  In his little two year old class, there are seven girls and only three boys.  The three boys spend a fair amount of time in the "uh-oh chair," often for wrestling each other. We've tried to teach our son the mantra, "Only wrestle Daddy. Not Zeke." He'll faithfully repeat this so we can convince his teachers that we discuss positive behavior at home, even if it doesn't always translate to school...

Of course most of the two-year-old girls in his class have figured out the fine art of potty training. The boys are less adept. The teachers faithfully give them the opportunity to sit on the potty every diaper change, at least 4-6 times a day. A few times a week, Spartacus does manage to go at the correct moment, and he gets a sticker on his daily report.

When we pick him up, he is always thrilled to show us his potty stickers. As soon as we get in the car, he demands that I "open the sticker" (peel it off the paper) and stick it on his forehead. This way the other parent always can tell Spartacus' daily victories. Today he went potty twice.

We had hoped to not have two kids in diapers at the same time, but with so much transition it seems less important to attempt to potty train right now! He knows what he's supposed to do, he's just not all that interested in doing it.


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