Three Mondays Left, and a Day of Prayer

After a few days of 80-degree warmth, today it stormed. My bank of windows was humid. But there are only three Mondays until the end of the year! And I have a solution to my blahs.
My view from my podium - obviously minus students
I am struggling a bit to stay focused on what I need to get done: essay grading, mostly, but I'm also the faculty adviser for prom next week, so that's a little crazy. I was procrastinating on Twitter (as one does) during my prep period, and was scrolling down the feed of a teacher-friend and saw this tweet:

I love all the school movements this year to encourage each other and building one another up, and since I wasn't being productive anyway, I spent some time this afternoon sending some parent emails - not for the kids who are failing (though I do have some of those), but for kids who I really appreciated this year.

I, at least, don't spend nearly enough time making good contact with parents, and it's surprisingly uplifting - to me! If you're reading this, when you're done, go send a text or email to someone that you appreciate. It takes less than two minutes, and I hope it makes someone else smile!

Another encouragement I had today was getting asked to lead an intercom prayer for National Day of Prayer. Each class time began with a short prayer for our students, teachers, leaders, and nation. Here's mine if you want to add to our petitions:
Gracious God, as we approach the end of another school day, we thank you for the blessing of education in our lives. We thank you for a Christ-centered environment in which to learn and grow, free of the persecution of our faith many others in our world face. As many of our students prepare for Saturday's SAT, AP testing, final exams, and projects, help them stay focused on the big-picture goal, to grow as your children.
As our students work toward educational excellence, may they also pursue excellence of faith, character, and hope in the eternal life that is to come. Watch over the nation and world into which we are sending them, that we all may be lights to show others Your light. Be with our leaders as they navigate conflict and decisions, and may their actions follow Your will.
We ask these things in Jesus' holy name, amen.


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