
Showing posts from 2013

Day 62: Some of us likes pasta...and Ralph Waldo Emerson...

Day 56: The Thrill of a New Projector

Day 54: Dear Mr. Kanning...

Day 52: Money Losers

Week 10 Reflections

Day 48: I before E

Week 9 Reflections: Pictures!

Day 32: Hawthorne Mad-Libs

Day 31: Spam & Relevancy

Week 6 Wrap Up

Day 23: Joy is...

Day 18: A Message to Pain-in-the-Arse Parents

Day 16: Small Victories

Week 3 Wrap Up & Gatsby Failures

Day 14: Witches on Friday the Thirteenth

Day 13: Am I liberal? And other questions about God in schools

Day 11: Drawing Blood

Week 2: Nighthawks

So what? Who cares? Why bother? And...?

Week 1 Reflections

Day 0


Teacher In-Service

Shift Happens: Three Ways to Make my Year Better

Newly-Sharpened Pencils

5-word Sentence


Be Happier On the Left or Right

Reflections on my Advanced Placement Institute

Annabelle, my new student

Guest Blogger: Rejecting the Single Story

A Spectacular Creation of God

Contact Lizzy


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