
Showing posts with the label teaching

#DarnYouAutocorrect: Grading Gaffs 2018

Summer Readings 2018: Story of Success

Excavating Freshman Hallway 2018

End-of-Year Survey: Some Brief Reflections

AP Final: College Portfolios



Day 84: Closet Claustrophiac

Day 11: It's not Friday...yet

Day 10: "We had a quiz?" and other lost hubcaps

Day 9: Wake Up Call

Day 8: Losing Hot Steams

Day 7: Burris the A$%4o73

Day 6: those malevolent binders

Day Five: Pep Rally

Day Four: "ebullient"

Day Three: the "N" Word

Day Two: Library Day, or Students are Bibliophobes

My First Day: a Lost Voice

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