New Website! Update your subscription please!

Dear readers,

Exciting news! For a number of reasons, I have officially moved this blog over to a self-hosted Wordpress site. The URL will remain the same: Nothing will change in terms of content, but hopefully you will find the site to be prettier and more functional!

HOWEVER, I changed the way the subscription services work, so  if you previously received hELArious Lizzy blog posts via email, you will need to resubscribe by clicking this link or filling out this form below:

I control the subscriber list directly and how often emails get sent, not Google. I plan to send subscriber emails with blog posts twice a month, so you won't be inundated with emails and your emails won't be sold to any third-party system.

You will no longer receive emails through the Blogger Feedburner account as I won't be posting on this Blogspot platform anymore. Later this year, I will delete the blogspot site entirely, but all back posts are accessible on the new site so you won't miss anything. So to make sure you don't miss any posts, please subscribe!

Thank you for being a faithful reader! I so appreciate your encouragement!



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