A Spectacular Creation of God

A teacher friend of mine reposted this link on Facebook this morning and I loved it. It's written by a parent helping his young daughter deal with the mean things that children say to her.  I don't have kids yet, but I do have students, and I wish every student I had could have someone say to them what this man said to his daughter.

"Kids can be viciously mean. When I think of them trying to hurt my baby girl, it makes me see red, and I really want a chance to give them an attitude adjustment…but that wouldn’t do too much to help things. The thing I realized that would do the most good would be to go directly to my daughter and help her to deal with the inevitable hurts and criticisms that always happen in life (no matter what age we are)....
...I told her the thought that I had with her. I made her memorize it and say it back to me:
“I am a SPECTACULAR creation of God.” 
I told her what I think that meant, and why no one, NO ONE should ever make her feel inferior. If you know the special blood that flows through your veins, and the divine precision with which you were made then you would hold your head high. You were created for great things in this life. You were given potential to do anything!" 


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