Day 109: "Something's in the Air...

...and it's not love."

So says an email I received from the lady who runs ISS, where I sent one of my crazier boys today to take his test and not distract his peers.  Valentine's Day surrounded by 132 fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds is something Dante should have included in his Inferno.  For example, today I experienced a disproportionate amount of:

  • Angry students
  • Sugared up students
  • Girls getting busted for carrying monstrous teddy bears (pillows and blankets aren't in dress code; apparently, neither are giant stuffed animals)
  • Girls ask to keep their large vases of roses in my room; I'm getting high off the smell of my desk.  
  • Kids throwing Twizzlers across the room during our test.  
  • Kids drinking out of their contraband sodas with aforementioned Twizzlers.  
  • Two of my girls (my cup game players) showed up during my lunchtime tutorial in obscenely exaggerated makeup and batches of silk flowers to demand, "Make me your Valentine!" "No, I want to be your Valentine!" while a third member of the posse filmed that on her cell phone.  
  • One of my boys who is usually very respectful kept talking after the bell and when I told him off he threw his hands in the air, huffed like a girl, and said, "Jesus Christ!"  A few minutes later another kid interjected the same thing.  Now, I realize this is public school, but I don't appreciate kids yelling that, especially as Lent just started.  So I told them to knock it off; it made me uncomfortable.  
  • Girls telling me how much they hate Valentine's Day.
  • Guys bragging about how much they spent on their girls for Valentine's Day.

I think year I might take off Valentine's Day.  Very, very weird things are happening at the high school...


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