Day 35: Riddle Me This

This is my first post in a few weeks - it has been crazy! I've been keeping a list of all the things I want to blog about, but finding the time has not happened.  Too busy with all my other vocations of wife, mother, teacher, daughter, friend (and our latest vocation - homeowner!).  So for a quick break as my AP students get a writing day, I'd like to share some of my new freshmen fun.

We just finished our short story unit which took much longer than originally planned. This week we talked about descriptions to lead into writing a descriptive narrative essay about a person, place, object, or memory; sort of like a written show-and-tell, I explained to them.

As we geared up to write this essay, we did activities to show the fun of descriptive writing.  For their bell work, I wrote a riddle about an everyday object that they had to guess, then they wrote their own.  Most wrote about their cell phones or ipads but a few were a bit more creative.  I'd like to share a few with you. The answers are at the bottom.

1. Its edges have the ability to cut like a knife, but it is boring. It can do nothing by itself.  It adheres to itself like identical twins on a playground; even if you’re one of the twin’s “best friends,” you’ll never be as close as the sibling.  Diversity is key - the availability of colors is as varied as the colored bricks that surround the school.  They function as nostalgic reminders, patient lists, or stressful shouts of profanity for your failures.  Minute enough to lose in a stack, but vibrant enough to stand out among the pack.  What am I?

2. All around me are gases, liquids pour out when I am sad.  I express happiness with colors of greatness. When I'm joyful I get bright and the gradual light that is unable to be touched sparkle brighter than a precious sapphire.  My beautiful blue can turn quickly grey, sometimes even pink, purple, yellow, or orange.

3. I grow by myself without need of care. If I get too long I could potentially be a weapon.  I need to be maintained or I look like unkempt grass in a suburban lawn.  I can click on a table or piano keys. I break, bend, and get smashed. Sometimes I am colorful like tiny bursts of color in a sea of bland.  If I break I hurt, if I am chipped it's a tragic unfortunate event.

4. I come in many different colors and shapes, but I have the same purpose.  I can be used for many things, but one thing most often.  I give off many aromas, but am often overused.  I am used before lunch, but never for lunch. I am a doctor's best friend. What am I?

5. It might look yummy, but once you take a bite, you'll spit it out in disgust. It's a classic hiding spot and a tasty bait.  It can snuggle your head like a brand new coat. It shows your spirit, but only for trappers. It might get old, but it can't get mold. It can be found in the great north, but if you don't have it, you'll be sent packing.

6. Its end leaves marks in a constant steady line.  It connects to its own kind like a bolt connects to a nut. It can be any color in the world. It starts off bold, but fades and dies.  It disappears when touched. If not enclosed it dies.

7. It can't fall. 3. 13. 50. Shows us who we are.  Three different parts. Hangs high.

8. Its notes are not something you can read. It is deaf but not dumb.  It is as big as you or as small as your finger.  It's at weddings and funerals.  Even though it knows how to speak it still needs to practice.  Sometimes it sings.  It can't do this by itself.

9. This object comes in different types to fit people's needs. It has a soft top and a tough bottom.  Lots of people use this at parties.  Its triangular shape catches the eye of children and adults.  The main part is a light brown color, on top of that a gooey substance, then a white color after that.  It's your choice of the color on top.

10. I have a green thumb. Whenever you see my I light up your day.  People never stare at me, and I can be harmful.  I like to be everywhere at once.  I live with nine siblings, but I'm adopted.

1. Post-It Note (this one was mine - I was quite proud of it!)
2. The sky
3. Fingernails
4. Soap (this was my favorite)
5. The student didn't include the answer, so if you figure it out write it in the comments! UPDATE: It was my Green Bay Packers cheesehead hat I had in the back of my classroom. Clever!
6. Expo marker
7. American flag
8. Musical instrument
9. Pizza
10. The sun


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