Highlights of the Day

I've started about fifteen separate posts in the last two months that I've never had time to finish.  There's just no time!  Because...

I'm a mom of a toddler.

I am a full-time Lutheran high school teacher.

We just bought our first house, a 1925 Craftsman, with a fair amount of fixing up to do.

My husband is a full time grad student taking 17 credits this quarter.

I have a furry, energetic dog mixed in there too.

Highlights of today:

The pumpkin surprise book has flaps!
- I actually graded one full class of essays the same day they wrote them.  This is thrilling for me.  If I get the other two periods done, I might have time to grade the two essays from a month ago I haven't read yet.

- My faithful Kindle keyboard - one of the only devices in existence that has free 3G, and one of my first big girl electronic purchases back in college - finally crapped out.  Thankfully Amazon has refurbished ones for $35 and with Prime and Amazon points it will be here Monday. The world we live in.

- Spartacus took his music-playing light-up butterfly with him to bed and managed to get it stuck between the crib bars so it played nonstop for almost half an hour before I realized he wasn't actually playing with it anymore and was still awake. It is now nine o'clock, and he is walking around handing me ornaments off the Christmas tree and books to read.

- My husband is making his family's secret recipe almond Christmas tree cookies for the church cookie walk that our choir is putting on this weekend and I signed us up for, not knowing he had to be at his reserve unit all day tomorrow and couldn't participate. Sweet man.

- We did not stay up to watch the Packers-Lions game last night but were pleasantly surprised by the Hail Mary last-second victory on highlight reels this morning.

- The doorknob of unknown age on our pantry door that contains dog food and our trash pulled off today and is so stripped I suspect the whole apparatus needs to be replaced. Now using a crescent wrench to get to our trash can.  Old houses for the win.

These are the sorts of days I lead that leave me falling into my bed at night and barely having time to plug in my phone (once I replug in the charger, which keeps falling out since our electrical is desperately in need of upgrade and many outlets don't keep plugs in anymore).  I hope to finish my blog post drafts over semester break, which starts the 18th - the first semester went by that fast.


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