Day 14: Halfway

Three weeks into the school year, and I'm halfway done with my six weeks off with baby Spartacus, now a whopping 12 pounds and stalwartly refusing to sleep longer than 3 hours at a time since moving him to his crib last week.  
Why yes, I do have a tugboat on my bum.
I got the chance to meet with my sub this week, and feel much better about my classes.  I've stressed abut some oversights the last three weeks: assigning readings as homework that they never went over in class, forgetting to assign vocab practice and then quizzing them over the words they didn't's hard to teach from home.  So we decided that I will stop assigning take-home readings until I get back - they can go three weeks without homework.

My juniors started reading and acting out The Crucible this week, which will take them to the end of the first six weeks until I get back.  I've used up all my vacation days, so next week starts my unpaid leave ($192/day I get docked - I'm pretty sure I don't even earn that much when I'm physically in school) - and my husband made me promise I would NOT be doing school stuff when I wasn't getting paid, so I've got to trust my sub to know what she's doing and relax. After all, she was a teacher for longer than I've been alive, so she knows a thing or two.

I'm somewhat perplexed by my one freshman class of World History.  My sub taught them how to take Cornell notes and they've been working on that using the really boring textbook, but I want them to do something fun next week.  I've got my English classes mostly figured out, but I still don't know what I want to do with my history classes, at least until I get to Reformation and beyond - ancient history is really not my field.  I feel bad that they've been doing boring book work for the week, and want them to get more exciting stuff, but I need to take the time to sit down and plan it out - and until I get more sleep at night (or my husband and I are start tackling in shifts), I have a hard time doing more than feed my child, do laundry, and watch Once Upon a Time on Netflix during the day.

Spartacus hit his two month mark last week; here's how far he's come!

Three days old
One month
Two months!  Happy boy.  And Daddy's nose...


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