Too Fat to Fail

I got an email about a silver Starbucks card, and clicked on it...and it's actually a real gift card made out of jewelry grade sterling silver. It costs $200 and comes with $50 preloaded on it. I didn't realize it was a real thing...

In other news, life has been very, very busy. I've had a running list on my desktop at school of all the things I've wanted to blog about and just can't seem to find the time to do it.  Yesterday I went with a bus load of kids to an academic conference an hour away and got back after five; today we spent nearly the entire day at church between Sunday school, two services, choir practice, bible study, and a two-hour voters meeting. Weekend = gone. Tomorrow I got asked to help judge the poetry slam the library is hosting after school so I'll be there late...Wednesday we teach our Dave Ramsey class, Thursday is a LWML meeting at church, Friday my husband's mother and grandmother are flying in for the long Veterans' day weekend, which will be wonderful...but baby Spartacus will be four months old on Wednesday and I feel like life is just flying by. I'll blink and it'll be Christmas and the whirlwind of trying to drive home to the Midwest with a baby and a dog...woo.  And while my child sleeps through the night, Annabelle has decided she needs attention at least once a night...

Spartacus had an appointment with an ENT doctor this week after the pediatrician at his two-month checkup expressed concern for the way baby boy kept looking up. He thought it might signal a windpipe issue with scary names like "tracheomalacia." He put in the referral to rule out any problems, but Hubster and I were pretty sure there was nothing wrong with him. They went up his nose with a rubber hose (camera). Thankfully I didn't have to go to this appointment - I get the four month follow up with shots this week - but my husband got to his head and watch the mean old doctor shove a camera up his nose and down to his esophagus. Baby boy was NOT happy, and quite stuffy for the rest of the week. Hubster reported that upon entering the exam room, the doctor said Spartacus did not have tracheomalacia because he's "never seen a baby with it who was clearly so well fed." It's nice to know my kid is too fat to be sick. As anticipated, he is also perfectly fine.

He has also perfected the art of burping loudly during pastor's sermons, then splitting up all over my choir robe. Always an adventure.


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