Guest Blogger: Spartacus & JJ Max

I was blogging at our kitchen table this morning while Spartacus was eating breakfast (Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes!). He wanted to help me, so this is a guest blog dictated by Spartacus.
My guest blogger(s) this morning

Spartacus: Mommy?

Me: What story should we tell?

S: Mommy? Can I watch something please?

M: What would you like to watch?

S: Um, JJ Mask. Can I watch JJ Mask?

M: What's your favorite part of JJ Mask?

S: Um, Christmas JJ Mask. Um, um, yes, Mommy, can I have Christmas JJ Mask?

M: Can you tell me another story for my blog?

S: Um, no. I don't want to. Sorry, I just don't want to do that.

M: But you just said you wanted to help me write!

S: Okay, but not right now, because I'm too busy spinning my spoon around.

M: Oh, that sounds important.

S: No it's not. Mommy, watch this [spoon develops a voice of its own and shoots across the table].  Mommy, does the cereal still have Peter Sam on it?

M: Peter Sam? From Thomas?

S: No no, Peter Sam, from a different movie. [Shows me cereal box and points at Lucky the leprechaun] See I told you it was Peter Sam. Because Peter Sam is a bad guy. Mommy, is Peter Sam a bad guy or a good guy?

M: mean the leprechaun on the box?

S: No no, the leprechaun in the sky. Remember on Thomas when Percy was so yucky? Because Stephen was in it.  Mommy, can I have more marshmallows? Mommy, can I blow the candle out? [I had a candle going to displace the pizza smell from last night...]

M: Sure - let's do it together.

S: One - two - three [blow] Ooh look at all that smoke! [Annabelle the dog comes in whining.] Mommy, Annabelle misses her dad. Mommy I wanna be excused from the table. I still want to watch Christmas JJ Mask. Mommy, can I watch Christmas JJ Mask?

M: Okay, but we're going to get ready for church soon.

S: So I can't watch JJ Mask?

M: You can watch one episode, but first we're going to get dressed.

S: So then can I get Christmas JJ Mask?

M: Now it's Mask? Not Max? [for the last month he said "JJ Max" - it took us awhile to figure out he meant the show "PJ Masks" on Netflix]

S: No, MASK, not Max.  Mommy, I'm sitting on Annabelle's nose. Mommy, look at me!

M: You are? How silly.

S: Mommy, can I watch Christmas JJ Mask?

M: Okay, but when we turn it off you can't throw a fit. We don't watch things that make us cry [<-- I picked up this line from a mommy Facebook group].

S: Okay Mommy, if you say so. Mommy, remember that one time yesterday that I cried and Daddy told me I couldn't eat breakfast?

M: You mean when you threw a tantrum and were so late to school you missed breakfast?

S: Um, yes. That's why I need to listen to Daddy.

M: That's right.

S: I love you Mommy.

M: Love you too, buddy.


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