Wrong Kid, or End of Third Quarter

This morning I was halfway to Spartacus' preschool before I remembered I wasn't taking him to preschool - in fact, he wasn't even in the car. I was taking Little Miss to her babysitters.  This is what sleep deprivation does to you!

Today is a much-needed workday for teachers, with students taking the day off.  Agenda included building curriculum maps for next year's accreditation (it is as exciting as it sounds) and getting grades and lesson plans done.

I was frantically grading synthesis essays this afternoon when I actually checked my email. I thought my 3rd quarter grades were due at 9 AM tomorrow -- but they are actually due on THURSDAY.


Also here are some paraphrased conversations with other teachers today:
  • "I was grading essays and realized students were typing nonsense at the end of papers, then making it white font, to increase word count. Students, stop being clever. You aren't."
  • "Do you know the best way to not get caught for plagiarism? Never turn ANYTHING in!"
  • "Can we confine freshmen to the cafeteria for, like, the rest of the year?"
So yeah, today was definitely a break we teachers needed!
I actually cleaned my desk off a bit to grade, then wandered over to Twitter...


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