Sibling Fun

Tonight, I was rocking and nursing Little Miss to sleep when nearly 4-year-old Spartacus marched in. He told me it was Daddy's birthday (it's not), we're having a party, and then he handed me an invisible balloon with these admonishments:

"But don't bite it. It will pop. And don't let it land on the grass. It will pop. Remember that one time when I had a balloon and it landed on the grass and it popped? And don't squeeze it. It will pop."

He summarily marched out again, then I hear him tell Daddy in the next room that he forgot to give his sister a tiny balloon too. He returned and handed me another invisible balloon to hold for her, with the same no-pop instructions. She couldn't be left out of the party!

At the park
One of his favorite things to do in the morning is go into her room and see if she's awake (we often hear, "SHE'S STILL SLEEPING...oh no, she's awake now!"). Sometimes they are so cute together, and sometimes she smacks him in the face just to hear him scream. Or she wants his toy only because he has it. He virtually stopped building Thomas the train layouts because she would take them apart faster than he could put them together. The battle for Mommy's lap during the sermon can get exceptionally violent on occasion. Both my kids are hair-people, and sometimes absentmindedly play with each other's hair if Mommy's hair isn't close enough. Cute, until their sticky peanut-butter fingers stuck. Fun times, lemmetellya.

They are almost exactly 2.5 years apart, just like my brother and I were. As Little Miss develops into her own stubbornly sweet personality, it is so fun seeing her interact and play more with her big brother. For example, today he tromped upstairs to check on her after nap time, but didn't come back downstairs or call down to report. About five minutes after he went up, I heard giggling and some booms. He had pushed the rocking chair next to the crib, climbed up into the crib with her, and they were having fun throwing all her toys as far across the room as they could, laughing hysterically the whole time. It was goofy and not terribly safe and too funny and bad habits, all at the same time.

To celebrate all the times they aren't pushing each other off the couch, here's some gratuitously cute photos of my children over the last year!
Playing with the piano at church
Sometimes she goes to wake him up from nap time
The snuggle party in Mommy's bed some mornings

While it looks like it, Papa and Daddy are NOT playing chicken

I told them to "Smile, I'm taking a picture."
"Here, let me help you..."
Christmas 2017
Thanksgiving 2017
October 2017 - Blowing bubbles
He can't go to sleep at night if he hasn't given his sister a hug.
This photo accurately captures both personalities: He is so vibrant and chatty, and she just quietly takes it all in...


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