Day 52: Case of the Toga Snatchers

Students will be able to write an analytical essay of sufficient length that includes a thesis or controlling idea.

So Monday we killed Caesar, and two young men in my last period decided they liked wearing their pretend togas so much they were going to leave class still wearing them. Tuesday I heard reports in my other classes of my young men, both football players, wearing said togas (re: white double bed sheets) with nothing underneath, parading around the boys' locker room. The embarrassing part is they're not even my bedsheets; they belong to my fellow English teacher next door.  One of the togas returned this morning, worn by a different (clothed) young man than him with whom it left, and the second one returned right after school when the other young toga-snatcher got the sheet out of another football player's truck, meaning my borrowed togas have touched at least four young men outside of English class.  I suppose I should be heartened by their enthusiasm for ancient Rome outside of class, but...well...I prefer their enthusiasm remain inside my classroom where I can be sure it stays clothed.  Clothing is important to me.  I like clothing.

Also, there are pieces of red Trix cereal all over my floor. Not sure how that happened since I've been cracking down on eating in class...

Finally, the word "analytical" in my SWBAT up top, which comes directly from the state standards for sophomore English, is underlined in red as not being a real word.  It doesn't look good when a word in the state English standards is not a real word.


  1. Oh, Lizzie. How I love reading about your adventures. I like clothing, too.


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