Prego Moment #4: Baby shower?

I was invited to one of Hubster's cousin's baby showers earlier this month.  When I received the invitation, I confused the cousin throwing the shower with the recipient - both are pregnant, you see.  I put in my phone that the shower was at 10 AM in West Lafayette, Indiana.  Three days before, as I was arranging carpooling with my mother-in-law, I found the invitation and discovered it was at 2 PM in Carmel - totally a different direction and significantly shorter drive. I had scheduled a haircut for Spartacus and arranged backup boy-sitting for Hubster's sake based on my original plan, when both the location and time were wrong. I'm glad I got the date right, but boy - I still have nearly four months to go before baby girl is born, I wonder what else I can confuse?

Also, fun fact for anyone driving through Carmel: they don't believe in stoplights. Only roundabouts. We counted EIGHT between the highway and the house.  Including in the middle of the subdivision.  EIGHT.


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