Day 12.5: Morning

Students will be able to describe Mrs. Dubose's character traits and Jem's point of view in chapter 11.

I had forgotten about a meeting on common assessments (a rant for a later day) yesterday, then rushed off to have dinner with a friend who was in town, so I didn't get to blogging last night about my Wednesday.  Thus, dear readers, you get lucky to read my morning before-school musings.

It wasn't until I was halfway to work that I realized I had worn the pants that I had previously dropped a glob of chocolate ice cream on and had yet to wash.  I also left my coffee at home.  Due to my somewhat lengthy commute, I go through three separate radio station zones (I'm an AM girl), and have to constantly change my stations as I lose them.  I think this morning I finally worked out my favorite rotation, including the little small-town AM country station out of my school district.  It plays such classic ditties as "She's my little butter bean" and "Your heart turned left, and I was on the right."  When I got to work the copier jammed three times in the space of twenty copies, so "It's going to be that kind of day" is on loop in my head.

Yesterday we finished reading chapter 9, watched the movie for chapter 10 ("Why are we skipping chapter ten?!" see Day 11 for deja vu), and began chapter 11, which describes the extreme ugliness of the Finch's neighbor, Mrs. Dubose.  We made it through Jem's lightsabering of her camellias and Atticus requiring an apology.  Today Jem will read Ivanhoe and later discover Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose was a morphine addict and he basically helped make her death easier.  It's a big turning point for Jem.  I know for a fact NONE of my kids will see that one coming.  Hopefully we'll get time today to model a short-answer writing question that I'll be testing them on tomorrow.  It will be their first real writing this school year, so I'm anxious to see what sort of diagnostics I get from their work.  It will probably be discouraging, but room to improve means opportunity, right?

Happy Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!


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