Day 127: Game Theory

Students will be able to draft a persuasive essay.

One of my students accidentally brought up game theory in class today.  He theorized that if all the sophomores in the state purposefully failed the upcoming state tests, the state would have to do something - they couldn't just let ALL the kids not graduate.  I asked him how he was going to ensure that all hundreds of thousands of other sophomores in the state would fail too.  I imagined that there were actually quite a few kids who would pass this test easily, and weren't going to risk their future college dreams on a risky plan that depended on so many.  I'm to the point in the year that if they all decided to rebel and no do my work, I would just fail them all.  And not feel the least bit guilty.  I put "game theory" on the list of Fun Things To Talk About In English Once We're Done With This Crazy Test.

Only 5 students today didn't have a pencil in class.  We're making progress.  I offered one a pre-chewed pencil, and he had the nerve to look offended by my offering!


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