Day 175: Oops, I'm teaching today?

Students are in school Tuesday, Wednesday, and half of Thursday this week for final exams.  They took two exams this morning, and then had three shortened periods after lunch.  As of now, I have roughly 12 hours of student time left this year...I'm totally mentally checked out.  So are they.

I kind of forgot that I'd see my students after lunch; after four weeks in the computer lab, I haven't had to do much in the last month.  So...we did what I rather crudely refer to in my head as teaching-from-my-butt.  It has only occurred twice this year, and it consists of me pulling together some discussion or attempt at a lesson on the spot (from my butt...).  We discussed "satire" and "parody," and looked at the following videos and articles:

Oh, the Places You'll (Actually) Go!

Web Site Story

Obama Orders Re-invasion of Iraq

Captain Charged with Manslaughter after Leaving Lieutenant Unattended in Parked Car

And, their personal favorite...

Dora the Explorer

Special thanks to College Humor Videos, the Duffel Blog, the Onion, and the endless hours of time I wasted in college and since playing on the above sites, for making this lesson possible.


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